"Over the past 6 weeks or so, my riding has improved 10-fold.  I push bigger gears, scale hills with much less effort and increased my mileage of my rides 150%." Jim K.

Train at Trek Bicycle Superstore La Mesa [MAP]
  • Classes are every Tuesday & Thursday 
  • Classes are 90 minutes long starting at 7:10pm 
  • Train in indoor comfort with air conditioning and protection from rain and cold weather. 
  • Attendees are around 50% female so it is not an all male workout group
  • This New Max Fitness & Speed series is created for cyclists of all fitness levels from beginners to experienced riders, each cyclist improves from their current physical condition. You can’t be left behind in a trainer class!
  • Receive your Trek store discount from the day you register through the last class. 
  • Bring your bicycle, your rear wheel attaching trainer and two front wheel risers. For all your class equipment needs, talk with the expert staff at the Trek Bicycle Superstore in La Mesa.

Cycling Coach Designed to Get Stronger Quicker​
Exercise routines are designed by Coach Darryl to increase cyclist conditioning, leg strength, endurance and climbing capability. Classes are easier at first with each workout getting harder as YOU get stronger.
Train like the pros by using the Pro Cycling industry standard proven technique of training in thirds to maximize conditioning at series end:
  • first third of the training evenings build leg power and strength for climbing and speed
  • middle third increase endurance 
  • final third evenings increase your anaerobic capacity for hill climbing

Why is this series better? See to the right>>>>>

Coach Darryl's stationary trainer programs are among the best attended in San Diego. Cyclists LOVE these classes and keep returning. Over 80% of attendees are happy returning cyclists from previous classes. 
The classes are created for cyclists of all fitness levels from beginners to experienced riders, each cyclist improves from their current physical condition. You can’t be left behind in a trainer class! ​

Cyclist Comments

"I thought I'd let you know that I had a great ride yesterday. I rode 43 miles comfortably from my house in MH to Torrey Pines beach and back. I kept my HR reasonable. That was super good advice. Looking forward to tomorrow!"
Miranda M  February 2019

"I am glad so many people are getting help from you to make their ride more enjoyable"
Laura C. 

"By the way the training is helping me a lot. One thing I realize when I am doing the workout alone I miss your talks that distracts me from my hard effort and time during the workouts."
Carl S. 

"Amazing how my weaker leg got stronger"

"Definitely feeling stronger on my long rides."
Denise G. 

"I am much faster on hills"
Chris P. 

"Her speed has picked up SO much and she attributes it to your class"
Jeanne J. 

"I have attended this class many times! Absolutely the best!
Geared for any level of fitness. Beginner to Pro.
You will be so much stronger, and faster after the first class!
Highly recommend! !!!"
Gordon C. 

End of series training comments from various cyclists:
"Good ride yesterday. Definitely feeling stronger on the hills!"
"Took 120 seconds off my fastest climb"
"Thank You Darryl!! Your workouts definitely are a godsend!" (After completing a half Ironman)
"Strava says I am faster"
"Set Personal Records (PR) almost all ride long"
"Fastest time ever up Torrey Pines"
"Cut 21 minutes off entire climb"
"First a cold-looking XX (who showed outstanding form) caught me at a light" Emailed by a fellow rider on the fastest of 6 Trek Century Ride groups.
From Numerous cyclists

"I am climbing incredibly faster."
Peter A. 

"I went out for a ride at lunch today (22 miles/ 2.4K climbing) and wanted to report back some nice improvements.
My time up to Crest from Greenfield was over 45 seconds faster than three weeks ago. I averaged ~5 watts less and my cadence was 5rpm faster. It's a three mile climb so 15 seconds a mile seems pretty good. Definitely feeling stronger!'
Jason B.

"Made a big difference in climbing"
David R. 

"My leg strength made me much stronger on Strava"
Jason B. 

"I usually did 16 MPH, I was almost 20!" 
Chris P. 

"It used to take me 20 minutes, now it takes only 16!"
Jose M. 

"Thank you Darryl for a great preparation to getting back on my bike. I have really appreciated you stories and key pieces of information I've been lacking as a rider."
Deb B. 

"The Fall series was SO helpful! I was so much stronger afterwards."
Don G

"Yesterday I took 34 seconds, or about 5%, off my PR for 52 Grade west"
Kevin M.  (after 6 of 12 workouts)

"I beat my “Harbor Island West” PR by 15 seconds this morning... I must be stronger or at least smoother, because my legs were not fresh.
Also, I was able to spin at 95-100 going up Nimitz from Harbor Dr w/out bouncing out of my seat. That’s a first."
Kevin M. (after 3 of 12 workouts)

"Hi Coach, I wanted to say thanks for the great classes. I completed the TREK Metric Century on 05/14/16 with no problem (even though I was nursing the tail end of a bronchitis infection) and I completed the San Diego Century on 05/21/16 at 105.5 miles, 7,100+ feet of elevation gain in just over 8 hours with an average speed of 13.1 MPH. Not bad for an old fat guy.
Best regards,"
Glenn G. 

"Hi Coach Darryl. This is Karen from your Stationary Trainer class. Finished Medio Fondo and finished 6th overall and 2nd in my age group...time 3:36 for 56 miles Your Class is the reason I did such a great job...can't thank you enough...only wished class wasn't over :) :)"

"Thanks to you Darryl MacKenzie and your "Climbing long steep hills class" Honey Springs was that much sweeter. Good ride today."
Laurie R. 

"I rode from my house to Mt. Soledad and back yesterday.  Even though I weighed much less on previous attempts up Soledad, I shaved 6.5 minutes off my previous best time.  
Back on the diet and swimming starting today.
Dave S 

"I've now bested my best time by 30 seconds on East 52, still on the mountain bike. Can't wait for the Torrey Climb at the end of the trainer series."
Dave S. 

“I completed the Great Western loop 33 minutes faster than my best time! Yeah!”
Michelle B. 

"I pedaled 85 miles with 8,500 feet of climbing a full hour less than the last time I pedaled that route." 
Lisa N. 

"I climbed the hill to Alpine at 10-13 MPH, the last time I was at 8-9 MPH! Yeah!"
Karen C. March 2016

"My hill climb was 1:30 better than my best time ever."
John A. 

"Coach, Solvang was a great ride, the classes and bke fit really helped!!!!"
Lew R. 

"The trainer classes made the difference in me being able to do this (Tour de Palm Springs) ride.  Since they cut a little climbing from this years event, it seemed fairly easy to me.  I just went with the idea that it wasn’t a race and scaled back my heart rate a little and it worked.   I had plenty of energy for the end.
Thanks for all your help and encouragement.  There were so many times I thought “What would Coach Darryl tell me to do?”
Dave S 

"I am so bummed I have had to miss the last 2 classes of this series due to work travel. But I had to share my success with you. I have not had a chance to get on my road bike since the series started but I did go mountain biking this past Sunday. I was standing and climbing the hills like I did in my 30's. It felt amazing! Thanks and I look forward to the next series."
Laurie E F

"Shaved 2:17 off my best time climbing Torrey Pines hill thanks to Coach Darryl MacKenzie's stationary trainer classes" 
Peter A. 

"I am becoming so much stronger and love the group.
You are also a wonderful coach, thanks so much for your kindness and guidance, it is very much appreciated!"
Sandy H 

"Coach Darryl's climbing classes have certainly make a difference. Always nice to break a Personal Record."
Jorge A. 

"I think your last trainer series REALLY helped. I rode home on SR-52 on my mountain bike last night and my time was 30 seconds faster than my best time on the road bike when I was 25 pounds lighter. That's a total of about 40 more pounds and worse rolling resistance.
I guess I got some weight to lose!! Can't wait till the next trainer series!!!"
Dave S.

"Could not get up same hill without getting off the bike before your class"
Lew R. 

"Got some good endurance and climbing training tonight in Coach Darryl's 'make you cry" classes! I'll be ready for 545 (miles), when the time comes."
Denice W. 

"Really glad your classes have been going the last few weeks, Darryl! Made a big difference in staying ride ready!! No way to prep for the wind or cold but the single leg work improved the climbing on my 200 miler! 
Dave C. 

"meant to message you last week to let you know how much I loved the class!! I can't believe how fast 90min goes ... I thought I would be bored but there's enough change-up to keep it interesting. It's perfect.See you tomorrow!! 
Kim A. 

"And yes, I was a stronger climber today." 
Tim B. after 4 classes

"Torrey Pines - Inside or Outside - As I approach the climb up Torrey I keep telling myself I'm going to try the outside for a change just to see how I do but that black hole with 10 -12 percent grades keeps sucking me in. Coach Darryl, todays climb was 1/2 minute plus faster up the front 3/4 mile stretch of this pain fest. Still difficult and and rather unfriendly but not so grueling." 
 Bill R. 

"Thanks for the coaching on the trainer. I shaved 2+ minutes of the 3 Bit**es climb in Sycamore Canyon. If anyone wonders whether or not this program works. It is fantastic. Every ride I do now I get PR's from all my previous rides!"
David S. 

"After most of the winter series classes I increased my speed on my favorite ride from 14.4 to 15.2 MPH!" 
Leanna K. 

"4:07 my best time by 10 sec at hill climb after only 3 of 10 classes"
Mike H. 

"The series was great and I feel much stronger on the bike. I cut almost a minute and a half off my best time on Willow glen last week."
Dan R. 

"Just wanted you to know that I shaved six minutes off my best time on the Scripps Poway Parkway climb on Saturday!!! I'm so glad I'm doing your class!"
Leeanna K. 

"I have to tell you that, as predicted, our class is really paying benefits my legs and such have NEVER felt this strong!"
Chuck D. 

"When I started class, I could not do 2 minutes of 1 leg strength building, now in class 5 I am doing 6 minutes! My legs are so much stronger!"
Donn A. 

"Now on hills my lungs hurt not m legs!"
Don G  

"I am now 2 MPH faster on hills. I am going up hills in my third gear not struggling in first"
Ed S. 

"I really enjoyed spin class- well enjoy may not be the right word since your program was a hard workout. The program was what I needed to get my conditioning back after my crash. Your coaching and humor really added to the experience."
Don G. 

"Your classes are always amazing!"
Anita L. 

"I can feel an improvement each and every class."
Chuck D. 

"Definitely, legs are much stronger compared to 5 weeks ago!"
Peter C. A

​"My weak leg has caught up to my strong leg in strength in only 3 classes!
Christopher C. 

"Your classes have really made a HUGE difference in my performance, esp on climbs."
Erik W. 

"​I've noticed that my knee joints feel looser over the last few weeks since we started trainer class and I tribute it to the ILTs"  
Mike H. M

"I look forward to class and working on my climbing skills. We are so lucky that your providing these trainings for us, I know the benefits outweigh the “complaining” in our heads."
Michele M. 

"I will definitely be there on Thursday for the last class. It has really helped!"
Eileen R. 

"I rode with the B-3s yesterday and was doing over 10 MPH on the hills.
Thank You Darryl"
Duane B. 

"Thanks to your class I did well at the palm springs Century ride."
Ermias M. 

"​I thought I was going to be in rough shape for Tour de Palm Springs with little in the way of street miles in the month prior. The longest I did was 53 miles and that was very flat! However, I finished strong and could have easily gone another 20 this year. Last year…lots of training miles on the road, no trainer class and at mile 80 I was tired. This year was much, much better! I am surprised through because I didn’t think the trainer class could help the endurance but it sure seems to have done so!
I am convinced it has provided tremendous value! The challenge for me is the logistics…the drive time is about an hour and 45 minutes round trip which makes it nice to do a class or two from home. Start a class at the Solana store!"
Eileen R. 

"Its funny you kick our butts and we say Thanks!!

"I definitely had stronger legs on the ride this Saturday after the first 4 stationary cycling sessions. The first stationary session I was peddling squares in easier gears, fighting to make it through the intervals. I have progressed to peddling circles in bigger gears. This translated to the road this weekend. I had improved technique, and noticeably better power and efficiency. Thanks"
Mike K. 

"I had such a great time in your class last night. Good to see some pals and get in a good workout. Looking forward to the rest of the class"
Jeanne T. 

"If not for your Stationary Trainer class, I would not be riding this fast with these B3 riders but would be 2 groups behind!"
Dave C. 

"Hey Coach! I wanted to tell you how strong I felt climbing Torrey Pines last night! I don't have a computer on my bike yet but I flew up that hill! I love the feeling of getting stronger and you've been instrumental in helping me reach my goals and build my endurance. Thanks for such a great class! See you tonight.
Adrian H. 

"Thank you for making it such a great class!"
Debi M. April 2013

"Darryl - great class, as usual! I'm hooked. I truly bike better - stronger and faster because of it. The terrific group of people somehow makes the pain manageable! Thank you!"
Belinda B. A

"Great Class"
Mike F. 

"Thanks for another successfully stationary training series 
I am getting stronger and feel better on the bike.
As I was doing the one-leg cycling and the standing last night, I was remembering my first attempts 3-4 years ago. I could barely make one revolution with the 'stronger' leg and standing was something you did to relieve pressure on your butt. Thanks for setting goals. Next year, I will be stronger!"
Paul N. A

"Thank you for another great year of training classes. The classes are the true epitome of a 'love / hate' relationship ;-) "
Sabine N. 

"I think they need to change the name of this ride (Hemet Double Centuty) to the Hills that Never End. I felt strong doing all the climbing It really showed towards the end. You were right about your class. I am stronger and faster. Thanks again for all the inspiration."
Roger H. 

"My legs thank you too for I am STRONGER:) See you Tuesday !!"

"I did Great Western this morning and noticed a huge difference! Like I was 20 years younger! Class is definitely working.Thanks'"
Dave G. 

"I feel more efficient, stronger, and can pedal farther, plus I am losing weight"
Amir P. 

"I wanted to send you a quick note to thank you for the bike classes and the I Love My Bike workshop. I completed the bike leg of Ironman 70.3 California in 4:03:36 (which is good for me). I took 30 minutes off my cycling time. Thank you so much again!
Time to celebrate an exciting success!!!"
Chris S. A

"Another great class tonight, thank-you!!"
Andrea F. 

I was always last climbing Del Dios Highway until this week! I was so far ahead, some of my friends could not see me when I got to the top?
Angeleen G. M

"Strava says 104mi and Garmin says 100.2mi, Ya, John and I were cruisin... Good company, shared the work, and paid extra attention to what was happening down the road... I'm just amazed that I'm able to do this after LESS than 2 months of training! Wow - Completed a Century after 16 Stationary classes, and 3 road rides... Thanks again for everything,"
Jon T. 

"My best time up Torrey Pines. 9:07! A year ago 12:43. Thanks Coach for all your help. Taking your classes have help me immensely."
Roger H. 

"I have never climbed Torrey Pines in this gear before - and after only 2 stationary trainer classes"
Richard H. 

"I am excited to see another great improvement in my cycling ability."
Andrew J. 

"My daughter has noticed a HUGE difference in the strength of my riding. She has had a difficult time keeping up now. That puts a BIG smile on my face!"
Penny H. 

Thank you! I am sorry I must miss tonight's class as well. I love the workout and mental break the class provides. 
Chris S. 

"...my time on today's ride (200K) was over 100 minutes faster than the same ride last year!! I felt WAY stronger."
Lisa N. 

"I rode with some friends today for the first time since taking your class...they were impressed with how strong I have gotten!
I'm looking forward to the next class in January."
Thank you!!"
Erika M. 

"Your class improved my level [of cycling]. I know it is not the same doing the class by yourself ,but have not found a class like yours [since I moved from San Diego]."
James N. 

"Rode the Elfin forrest ride on Saturday, love that scenery! Were I in class tomorrow night, my hand would go up when you ask who felt stronger! Was surprised at the end of the ride when the Garmin said we did 2400 ft of climbing!!"
David C. 

"I was so excited when I was able to stand the whole time last Tues, on the climbing section 13 min. I am looking forward to putting my new skill on a real hill. Thanks for a great training series.  I will definitely sign up again."
Allison G. N

"Heres my secret to kill it on the bike, whether its Triathlon or Xterra or just ole wanting to hold school on your buddies! Coach Darryl Mackenzie is having his indoor stationary cycling clinics tomorrow nite at the Trek Superstore, La Mesa Location. Tuesday and Thursday nites start time 7:00PM. 12 weeks of super structured training. Some of my NOW super fast friends have and will attend. Its a great time as well! and will sooo benefit all levels! Love G'"
Gordon C. 

" I really lost it over the summer without the class. I can't replicate by riding on my own what Darryl does for us in that class."
Debbie K. 

"They prepared me for the races I ran in the last year and a half: Carlsbad half marathon, SD full, LA Half marathon, Silver Strand half marathon and SD half earlier this year plus a couple of 10 Ks in between. You have a great program and I tell everybody I know about it."
Fernando G. 

"I am glad Coach Darryl's classes are starting again. Last spring when I was doing the classes I was leading my group, now I am hanging on the back."
Debbie K 

"Just a note of thanks for the three great cycling classes. I appreciate the effort and thought that you put into each one. The fall to spring schedule certainly provides motivation and opportunity during a time of year when most of us working stiffs don’t get out much during the week. Have a safe summer and many great rides."
Ed P. 

"...would like to once again thank you for an outstanding class - in addition to improving my strength it has increased my climbing ability confidence."
Dave C. 

"...took 15 minutes off  my bike time from the year before. 2 years with a better time  after 2 years of classes." 
Peter B. 

"Just wanted you to know that I cut nearly 30 mins off my bike time on the 56 miles at Oceanside 70.3 compared to the CompuTrainer simulated done about a month earlier.  the 3 hills were tough  I completely expected M. to pass me on the bike since he only started 15 minutes behind me but he never did.  
Thanks again for your help!" 
Lisa S. 

"Gotta Give Coach D Mac some love!! If you want to be super fast the whole race on the bike, Coach D Mac is the man!!"
Gordon C. 

"A note about your training class. As you know, yesterday's ride was 7 weeks after my accident. I started back 1 1/2 weeks ago on the road and road three easy rides - 17 miles the last two Wednesday and an easy 34 miler (flat) last Saturday.
So yesterday was the test. I was only somewhat confident because of the training class. So what happened? Rode with the leaders all the way, averaged 14.4 for the 75 miles, felt strong, even coming up El Camino Real at mile 67. Told some of the guys I was riding for Darryl and his class. I have a hard time believing I was off the road for almost 7 weeks and could ride this well.
Thanks for your help,
Joe M. A

"Thank you!!! Have come a long way from your first training class last fall....Wasn't a part of a bike club, never have done the great western , or road over 40 miles and now..... Doing it all!  Thank you!!
Sue B. 

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Stationary Training Trek La Mesa
Why is this series better? 
Are you sending hours pedaling while watching TV? 
Then you are working on endurance, but not leg strength and anaerobic hill climbing! And it is BORING pedaling alone or in a small group.

Are you attending cycling aerobic classes at a gym or connected at home?
Then you are working on your anaerobic capacity, but not leg strength and endurance! 

In both the above cases, each workout is not designed to get harder than the previous one as you get stronger! 

Optimize your time and results!​
Coach Darryl's series is designed to make the cyclist stronger over the evenings of the series by training strength, endurance and anaerobic like the pros in that specific order and increasing intensity. See the description to the left.  
Coach Darryl Has Been a Certified 
USA Cycling Coach Since 1996
He Has Coached
    Stationary Training: 53 series, 703 sessions for 15,300     cyclists
    Power Testing: Strength testing for dozens of cyclists
    Palm Springs Century Training: 4 years, 85 cyclists
    Double Century Training: 11 years, 150 cyclists 
    Thinking Cyclist Tips: Over 500 pages published

Coach Darryl is doing only bike fittings now, and was considering removing the other activities from the website, but cyclists wanted that info to remain as a history, including that below.Â