Is YOUR Cycling Strength Improving?
Cyclist Power Test
The Power Test is standard test to identify the cyclist’s highest sustainable power output and anaerobic threshold (AT.) It is measured on the rider’s own bicycle mounted on a CycleOps PowerBeam through which the resistance against the cyclist’s rear wheel is accurately controlled and increased each minute until exhaustion. Many cyclists schedule a Power Test periodically, like every 2-3 months, to quantify the amount of power increase and the successes of the training like Stationary Training.
Mount cyclist’s bicycle on PowerBeam
Control resistance against rear wheel increasing resistance by 10 or 20 watts each minute until cyclist’s exhaustion
At the end of each minute, record cyclist’s Heart Rate, Rate of Perceived Exertion and Power Output
When cyclist reaches maximum breathing capacity and can no longer pedal at a constant cadence, the cyclist has reached AT and critical Power and Conditioning Measurements can be identified and suggested training improvements can be made
Cyclist’s Measurements Determined
Lactate Threshold (Heart Rate at which cyclist becomes anaerobic)
Climbers Weight to Height Ratio
Maximum Sustainable Power for 1 minute
Cyclist’s Maximum Watt output
Watts sustained per pound and kilogram
Estimated VO2 Max
Recovery Rate over 2 minutes
Cyclist Information Provided
Calculate cyclist’s personalized training zone chart depending upon AT
Identify cyclist’s strengths and weaknesses as a result of observations at cyclist’s exhaustion
Suggest training methods to improve current limitations to leg power wattage generated and AT
Identify appropriate timeframe for next comparative Power Test
Cyclist Requirements
Prepare for a Power Test like you would prepare for an event, both from a nutritional and an exercise tapering point of view
Cyclist to be free of all exercise for a minimum of 48 hours, preferably 72 hours, before the Power Test
Eat little or nothing in the previous 2 - 3 hours
Bring everything you normally take on a bike ride except your helmet
Bring a towel!! You will need it!
No stationary trainer is required
The process takes approximately 60 - 90 minutes:
25-35 minutes to set up and warm up
15-20 minutes for the test
5-15 minutes for cyclist cool down & Coach Darryl number crunching
15-20 minutes for information transfer and question answering
Cyclist must reach anaerobic threshold to calculate many measurements. If the cyclist’s legs are not powerful enough to reach AT then some measurements may not be possible
Power Test Cost
The cost is $99, or two Power Tests for before and after comparisons for only $165. For those enrolled in one of my currently ongoing training programs like stationary training, the cost is just $149 for 2.
To schedule a time for your personalized Power Test either email me or click here to use the quick and easy web based scheduling system.
Cyclist Comments
"This was excellent. It gave me all the info i need to know where i have to concentrate to build my strength. Looking forward to a re-test in 90 days."
Debbie K.
Coach Darryl Has Been a Certified
USA Cycling Coach Since 1996
He Has Coached
> Stationary Training: 53 series, 703 sessions for 15,300 cyclists
> Power Testing: Strength testing for dozens of cyclists
> Palm Springs Century Training: 4 years, 85 cyclists
> Double Century Training: 11 years, 150 cyclists
> Thinking Cyclist Tips: Over 500 pages published
Coach Darryl is doing only bike fittings now, and was considering removing the other activities from the website, but cyclists wanted that info to remain as a history, including that below.